Sustainable Travel - Adventure & Fun Albania

sustainable travel

Adventure & Fun Albania has a sustainable approach towards travel.

We are strongly convinced that sustainable tourism is the best chance our country has to reduce poverty, to avoid massive emigration especially of young people, to have decent growth, reduce inequalities among regions, regenerate the nature, and to undo the many years of damage that were caused by the unfortunate economic and political realities of our past.


We believe we can do our part by being mindful to meet some of the UN Sustainable Development Goals:
– Reduce poverty.
– Gender equality
– Reduce inequality.
– Climate action
Our main goal, since we started the activity, was to positively impact our environment.


Our tours, in general, have a lower carbon footprint than many other styles of holidays:
– We travel in small groups
– We use public and local transportation where possible
– The day activities are planned so that the transfers are used only if they are inevitable
– We use electric vehicles for most of our transfers from/to the airport
– In Albania more than 98% of the energy is produced using renewable resources
– Our guests mostly stay in smaller local accommodation
– If in big cities, we still chose small eco-friendly accommodation
– More than 70% of the food we consume during the trips is locally produced, with a much lower carbon footprint, being locally grown, home cooked and often organic
– Wherever possible, we avoid the movement of empty vehicles by combining transfers of different groups
– Our tours offer real life experiences, using local resources and allow for positive cross-cultural awareness and understanding, and shared learning of the more important environmental issues for both local hosts and guests
– We share our environment commitment with our guests before the tour starts so they come ready to support our environmental values. Guests are advised to be environmentally responsible, to bring reusable bottles, to avoid single use plastic, to use local suppliers even for the services that are not included in our tours
– We encourage our guests to visit local markets and to buy from traditional artisans
– We commit to minimize plastic waste

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